Friday, October 07, 2005

Thoughts about love

I have many friends, boys and girls, men and women… And every one of them, every one of us, have a special ‘relation’ with… LOVE!

I have friends who are in love and friends who want to fall in love, friends who are involved and friends who are single, friends who are married and friends who are looking, friends who are disappointed and friends who are available, friends who are desperate for love and friends who are tired and suffocated by too much love, friends who love and are not loved back and friends who are loved and don’t love back…

LOVE is a constant paradigm, dream and feeling in our life; either we are or we are not in love…we are thinking about it…
LOVE is all around us!

Either we are focusing on our career, even if we truly believe that we don’t need love for the moment (because we have different priorities, right?!) we are definitely thinking about it…

And thinking about LOVE…not in a platonic way… here you have some ‘Murphy style laws’ …that are sometimes so true…


All the good ones are taken. (this is true about both people and parking spots)

If the person isn't taken, there's a reason... (ther must be one, right?)

Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant. (so true, sometimes)
This constant is always zero. (wow…this is hard to swallow… but unfortunately sometimes true.)

The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them. (Speaking about the people who love and are not loved by the person they love or who are loved and don’t love back…)

The grass always looks greener in somebody else's yard...

You realize what you had only after you lost it(her/him)...

Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position...
(Women nowadays… some say that money is the powerful aphrodisiac)

Sex has no calories.

Virginity can be cured.

The qualities that most attract a woman to a man are usually the same ones she can't stand years later. .. (I never understood women...)

Sex is dirty only if it's done right.

When the lights are out, all women (and men?!) are beautiful.

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't either.

Love is a matter of chemistry; sex is a matter of physics.

There is no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love.

The ABC rule:
If A is attracted to B, and you are attracted to C, A has a better chance with B than you do with C.B and C are often the same person.

Sex on the TV can't hurt you unless you fall off...

Sex is not the answer…Sex is the question…yes is the answer!

Love is an invented 'concept' in order to have sex for free…

Life is the most common disease with ‘sexual transmission’

The difference between love and the common cold is that for the common cold there is a vaccine.

Gravity cannot be held responsible for 2 people falling in love.

Love is all around us!


I do believe that LOVE - like Success - must not be chased or hunted…
LOVE - like Success - will be attracted by the person you become Performing your Magic!

And for the moment …

I am Performing my Magic…waiting for the woman in which eyes I will see my unborn children and who will see in my own eyes something beautiful and strong even in the moments I will stop believing in myself...

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools, news, links and articles for Successful people...Recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Monday, October 03, 2005

Waiting for the Next Summer!

That was …STUFSTOCK 2005…in VAMA VECHE!

That was the 'VAMA VECHE PICTURES II' on the PYM blog…

Here we are….standing at La STUF, waiting for the next summer…

No rain, no snow will chase us away…

Our secret? Our passion for freedom, for friendship, for good music, for all the 9 “S”s of Vama Veche:

The Sea, The Sun, The Sand, The Sky, The Safe Sex, The muSic, The perfect Sunrise & The irremediable Sunset...

Other secrets? In the glass I don’t have only orange juice… ;-)

Remember the Tequila SHOTS and the SONI’s tin kettle

Remember the hot girls?

As Confucius said:
"I'll tell you and you’ll forget
I'll show you and you’ll believe me
I'll involve you (take you with me in Vama Veche) and only then you'll understand!"

Special thanks for these pictures to Bogdy! You’re the man! … with the camera! ;-)

And special thoughts and thanks to all my special friends…

I’d try to make a list here but: 1) I am afraid I might forget somebody and 2) I don’t want somebody to judge and interpret in any way the order of the names on the list…

So…guys, you know I love you! ;-)

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find ..Pictures from Vama Veche...Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools, news, links and articles for Successful people... Recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Entrepreneurship in Vama Veche…

Entrepreneurship in Vama Veche…

Here you can see one of the few private initiatives I’ve seen in Vama Veche during and after Stufstock…

Creative minds will do… ‘anything’ for a beer or some beer money… ;-)

This guys here, asked Bogdy 5.000 ROL in order to let him take their picture…and he paid.

They have a business proposal for the ladies…and they assure us or their virtual clients that they do have the approval and acceptance from the Health Ministry…


For the non Romanian readers…those brave guys advertise the fact that they will perform …! PARENTAL ADVISORY! “oral sex (pussy lickin’)” ! PARENTAL ADVISORY! For a beer!

I am sure they didn’t have any (paying) client for their services...but I know that they earned their beers accepting money for pictures from guys like me and Bogdy…;-)

Sleeping together on the backseat of the car

And if we are at the 'sleeping in Vama Veche pictures' section…this photo may win the Pulitzer prize…;-)

It gives a new meaning of the concept: sleeping together on the backseat of the car…

The car is an Oltcit…a half OLD Citroen, half Romanian idea old car… and the couple sleeping in it is… amazing!

Guys, I hope this picture won’t upset you…If you will ask me I will eliminate this picture from the blog…but I sincerely admire you!

This picture is a symbol of the passion for rock, for Vama Veche, for Stufstock and for each other…


The man and the wood pole...

Sometimes I wonder….who was there first – the man or the wood pole?

And which of them has more life in that very moment?;-)

I assure you that in a couple of hours, the man stood up and walked to buy himself another beer! While the wood pole remained there stuck in the sand…

So the Man wins!

'I sleep this road alone'...

If you want to sleep for a few minutes…you don’t actually need a bed…

You actually don’t need a blanket either…and you don’t have to walk to the beach…

The road will be just fine… as long as your friends are with you and no car will pass by…
It seems that one of the guys there was sustaining that pole... another one wasn't feeling that good and the one asleep was safe and happy!


STUFSTOCK: Two of the first victims…

Those two are 'killed' by sleep and tiredness or by alcohol and/or ‘grass’?

But, Does it matter?

All that’s important is the fact that they are FREE on the VAMA VECHE beach!

And some kind of parental advisory…if necessary…
nobody was hurt during this photo session!

The sleep reaps on the beach

Some of us… couldn’t make it through the morning!

The Sleep blew them down…

Some have blankets some not…

but everybody has a bottle of something…

Just you and the sea…

This is wild…and this is so Vama Veche….

Just you and the sea…

Takeing a bath...

This could be the perfect moment for a bath… ;-)

The night was turning into day

And after the Concerts…when the night was turning into day…the Vama Veche beach was crowded… moon, no sun yet...only the lights and the light from within...



A great Basarabian Band…but a band we mau also see as ‘romanian’…and of course 'international'…

Great and unique style…cool sound and surprising image… Roman rulz…

If you are not Romanian, Moldovian (Basarabian) or Russian…you might have seen them at Szeget or… at the 2005 Eurovision Contest representing the Moldova Republic…

‘Hardcore moldovienesc’…with Zdob & Zdub la Stufstock 2005!

VAMA VECHE live in Vama Veche…

Some pictures from the Stufstock 3 Concerts…

Here is VAMA VECHE live in Vama Veche…

If you look closely (you can double clik the picture to make it bigger) in the upper left of the photo, you will see Tudor Chirila climbed on the left stage pillar…

I am sure he was able to see 2 Mai from there…

Vama Veche live in Vama Veche at Stufstock 2005 – an incredible concert…
A huge crowd, singing all the songs…

An incredible “Hotel California” cover – “Hotel Cismigiu” , and an unbelievable “Americanii-s de vina, futu-I in gura sa-I fut” moment!... The Romanians Vama Veche fans know what I am talking about…;-)

The VV waves and Nudists...

But enough about me or Don Franco Castellano…;-)

Let’s get back to our Vama Veche…The SEA… the waves… and the NUDISTS….

If you pay attention at this picture…you might observe some waves… beside those naked girls in the sea! ;-)

'Guardian angels'...

And speaking of the people who would die for him and who he will die for… this picture needs no comment!

Cristi (aka Castellano) and his good friends (aka Bodyguards)... (or the brains and the 'brute power'… ;-))

With these guardian angels...who will have the guts to make a move against him?

Guilty relaxation after a 'tough day'

And of course… Don Franco Castellano, this great leader of the Castellonezze family, also knows how to relax and enjoy the 'night spirit' in Vama Veche...

There are times for action and times for … ‘guilty relaxation’, for ‘letting go' and ‘enjoying the night’…
And Castellano treasures the most his friends, the people around him…the people who would die for him and who he will die for

The Castelloneze Godfather -Don Franco Castellano

Could it be the…”Cigar… after…” ?!
Or could it be the Cigarette before Don Franco CastellanoThe Godfather of the Castellonezze Family – will handle things his way!?

As I told you in my first post from this new Vama Veche pictures series…"You’d better mark my words…or else…"

So much power and influence in this man…;-)

Another Vama Veche priceless night picture…

Relaxing....Sun, Sea, Sand...

And of course, after all this drinking and eating, or/and before it in Vama Veche we can relax, and enjoy the sea, the sand and the sun… (Remember all the VAMA VECHE “S”’s?!)

I am sure there's more to enjoy than the Sand, the Sea and the Sun…;-)

This photo speaks for itself…

Papa la SONI!

After all that Tequila… or before it… we had to eat something!

And since we are talking about Vama Veche… we can’t forget or replace SONI

Papa la SONI!
Here’s The one, The only... Soni and his unique cauldron (tin kettle) food.

Ladies and gentlemen I present you Soni – tha guy in Orange mixing things up in his 'huge but too small for our hunger' tin kettle…

Are you hungry?

Sorry, but the we don’t have any more Gulash. Maybe you’d like to try the Paprika?

Papa la Soni? Papa bun!


Tequila stories (from Vama Veche)

This picture is taken only a few seconds after the last one (the one in the post below)

Indianu (Iulian on his ID Card…) was caring the Skol Beer waiter tray with the 10 Tequila Shots, the lemon and the salt on it…when he was ‘pushed’ by a guy who passed by... probably on his way to the well known toilet near B52…

Only a few drops of tequila poured out of the small glasses…
but this was enough to drive my friend crazy…

Just look at his face expression and his eyes…

Can you guess what is he saying? ;-)

“I’ll kill you like some rats” – he shouted with absolute anger… protecting our precious Tequila shots…

That’s the Spirit, Indiene!

And…unfortunetly I do not have pictures from that incredible 31 July morning … after Mihai Seceleanu’s birthday Party (MeHigh’s party took place also in B21 in Vama Veche) when, me, Mihai Seceleanu, Mihai Botea and Paul (if you’ve been in Vama Veche this summer you couldn't miss them…) struggled to finish a bottle of Mexican Tequila…

You should have seen us, after the Sunrise, La Stuf, very ‘tired’, after a full night and after we ‘emptied’ many other bottles...fighting with that Tequila bottle in a 'Vama Veche style' manly contest:
Shot after shot, lemon after lemon, salt lift after salt lift…
We took shot after shot in two teams of two…and every successful shot on our throats was a provocation and a challenge for the other team to follow our example and do the same ritually gesture...

Can you imagine the end of this story?

And do you think it’s easy to move MeHigh from the La Stuf bench into his tent? The other Mihai tried and he suffered the consequences…

Memories, tequila shots…Vama Veche… the place where the only difference between night and day is the way you (un)dress yourself…

VV Tequila Shots

Speaking about Vama Veche…
we must remember La Stuf but we can’t forget the B52… and of course the great Tequila Shots we had there…10 tequila shots, one lemon and a plastic glass with salt…
All on a SKOL Beer waiter tray...
Can it get better?

This picture is taken a few minutes before this one ... Now you have a clue…;-)

Prisoner of the 2005 Summer in Vama Veche…

With these rainy days…with this October weather…I’d say it will be nice to remember some Vama Veche priceless moments…

We only have to wait 7 Months until The 1st of May and the first escape in Vama Veche in 2006…and just about 11 months until Stufstock 4…

Anyways…would you recognize me in this picture?

La Stuf, the Monday after….Stufstock 3!

That’s me behind those black sunglasses, with that join(t)…aaaa… cigarette in the mouth…

You’d better take me serious or else…

Cristian C. Francu – Another Prisoner of the 2005 Summer in Vama Veche…

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