Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Who's going to be the PRESIDENT?

He knows!

Even G. W. knows who's 'the best'!

Someday, in let's say 20 years, maybe 30, If God will help me and will give me health and the strength to fight...I'll be there for you!
I'll run for Presidency.

In Romania... I want to be the chnage I want arround me.

Becoming a success story ourselves, helping others to achieve their goals and their dreams, we can help our comunity and Romania progress. Helping Romania progress means helping ourselves progress. And that’s one of the PerformYourMagic blog & Community goals: helping and supporting each other, debating, sharing information, thoughts and emotions, in a simple word - networking & personal development.

Leading by example, bringing new visions and following others’ ideas if better, getting involved and remaining involved in the non-profit sector, building teams, organizations and fighting with a performing enthusiasm to implement the most challenging projects, believing in my and our most daring dreams until the end, focusing on the solutions and not on the problems, thinking and acting proactively, transforming difficulties into opportunities that’s how I plan to help myself, my company, my community and my country develop.

I am ‘alive’ and I want to be the change I want around me! I believe in our Romania and I am sure that we can change something only as a network and not as lonely separate islands of new ideas, enthusiasm and progress.

I believe in myself and in all my friends. I believe in the fuiture!

If God will help me and will give me health and the strength to fight...I'll be there for you!


And for the US Elections Party in Bucharest and the US Elections Predictions Contest please read the Previous POST.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, great site, I found a lot of useful information here, thanks a lot for Your work!
With the best regards!

5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, great site, I found a lot of useful information here, thanks a lot for Your work!
With the best regards!

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this place, where people can leave their ideas and opinions, it's great!With the best regards!

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job done, keep it up!with the best regards!

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for what You are doing!Information, that I managed to find here
is extremely useful and essential for me!With the best regards!

6:00 PM  

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