Wednesday, June 15, 2005

APEL CATRE UN PRIETEN DOBITOC / Message for…a “jackass” friend of mine

I usually avoid posting articles in the Romanian language on this blog…but this is a special message for…a “jackass” friend of mine and for 'the stupid friend' of...many Romanians.

Today we ‘celebrate’ 15 years since June 15, 1990. If you don’t know what happened in Bucharest 15 years ago, maybe it’s for the better... If you need a can read my previous post.

Anyways…I was thinking to post here only Cotidianul.

But I changed my mind…I feel that this might be too important for some friends of ours, to read and remember.

So, here it is, in the Romanian language not because I can not translate it into English but especially because it’s a message for the Romanians, either living in Romania or abroad, young or old, former supporters or former opponents of the “Piata Universitatii”/“University Square” phenomenon in June 1990.


Nu vreau sa te insult, incerc doar sa-ti atrag atentia. E bine ca acum, cind nu se mai prinde nimeni si cind ai ajuns la aparenta unui om civilizat, sa-ti reamintesti cit rau ti-ai facut singur, in urma cu multi ani.

Piata Universitatii a murit de batrinete, la un moment dat, prin anii ’90. S-a stins in uitare si indiferenta, parasita de copiii stabiliti acum in SUA si Canada. Cind si cind, la aniversarea decesului, din 13-15 iunie in 13-15 iunie, memoria afectiva se prezinta la parastas cu lacrimile uscate si cu aceeasi litanie resemnata mormaita pe la stiri.

Cind spun Piata Universitatii, eu nu ma refer deloc la violenta din final. Crimele cu voie de la stapinire sint doar epilogul fenomenului, partea lui urita si dispensabila. Minerii, scutierii, securistii revopsiti, bitele de lemn, militienii-calauze, trutulestii, cama- rasestii, conversatia Chitac-Diamandescu si multumirile lui Iliescu sint din alt film. Un thriller descris cu acuratete, secventa cu secventa, de Codul penal.

Navalirea ortacilor si entuziasmul de dinainte al Pietei nu au nimic in comun. De aceea, eu separ cu o linie convenabila cintecele de tirnacop. Sa ne amintim: folk, poezie, disidenti, umor, aplauze, politica, sunet de chei, solidaritate. Un grup de tineri a stricat pentru o luna socotelile unei tari. O tara trezita din somn cu draperiile ridicate, frecindu-se speriata la ochi de atita lumina.

Pentru alegatorul buimac, sculat, dar nedesteptat inca, versul inseamna galagie, aplauzele fac deranj, iar umorul aduce a pericol. Putini, inteligenti si inconstienti, tinerii isi joaca viitorul pe o rima. Ei stiu ca o vorba de duh face cit un cosmar si improvizeaza cu indrazneala sub fereastra Puterii intimidate. Din formula euforiei e izgonita orice forma de bilci.

In spatele comediantului sta mereu ideea. Minti si condeie de prima mina se pun in slujba serbarii. Politica e articulata cu finete in discursul ludic. Putina multime a Pietei cere Punctul Opt de la Timisoara: comunistii trebuie sa plece din structuri. E cel mai radical program politic de la rezistenta in munti incoace.

Profunde, vizionare si pasnice, aceste voci pe care clasa muncitoare le viseaza urit vor rapid democratie, nu vor sa ocoleasca pe drumul lui Brucan. Isi striga idealul cu veselie, il cinta in fiecare seara, il glorifica in ceremo-nii si-l transmit rudelor ursuze din provincie ca pe o epidemie luminoasa, dar slaba, care nu se ia.

Privita cu un ochi pervers, aceasta febrilitate festiva aduce putin a Saturnalii, dar bacantele si satirii Pietei sint destepti, inocenti, plasati de partea buna si, nu voi obosi s-o repet, putini.

De cealalta parte sint cei multi. Cei multi pur si simplu, multimea inertiala indobitocita de trecut, si ceilalti, putinii celor multi, apropiatii domnului Iliescu cocotati, fiecare dupa lungimea ghearelor, pe capra. Esential pentru aceasta fauna mi se pare nu orbirea sau ticalosia ei, ci faptul elementar ca n-a avut dreptate.

Ei, cei multi, prosti, orbi sau nemernici, de-a valma cu stapinii emanati, s-au inselat. Pe cind ei, cei putini, batutii, injuratii si scuipatii Pietei, demonizatii anilor ce vor urma, vinovatii predilecti din cuvintarile Puterii, drogatii, legionarii si spionii aciuati in Piata – ei au avut dreptate.

Sint cincisprezece ani de atunci. Tinerii sint acum maturi si au ramas si mai putini. Oricit ai fi de dobitoc, oricit de mult i-ai fi urit la vremea lor, n-ai cum sa nu le dai dreptate. Daca lucrurile ar fi mers dupa ei, cei putini, ar fi fost mai bine. Daca fostii activisti, securistii si informatorii fostei Securitati erau blocati de lustratie, traiai intr-o tara mai buna.

Ti-era mai bine, mai repede. E limpede si usor de priceput, chiar si pentru tine.

Despre Piata Universitatii nu poate vorbi destul nici macar procesul lui Iliescu. Condamnarea unui ba- trin expirat n-ar rascumpara nimic. Nici condamnarea tuturor complicilor n-ar ajunge. Ar fi o tardiva aplicare a legii si atit.

Destinele pustanilor de-atunci, schimbate de unanima prostie, sint imposibil de recuperat. Ofensa adusa spiritului liber – imposibil de sters. Insulta numa rului mare a fost fatala numarului mic. Sau, ca sa-l parafrazez pe Churchill: niciodata atit de multi romani n-au nedreptatit atit de mult pe atit de putini.

Asa ca, draga dobitocule, prietene: daca vezi citiva exaltati cu plete, ochelari si chitare uneltind undeva, intr-o zona simbolica a orasului, nu te mai enerva. Abtine-te si treci pe trotuarul celalalt. Se pune la cale viitorul tau si e mai bine sa nu-ti dai cu parerea.


Acesta este un Editorial de DORU BUSCU in COTIDIANUL de azi 15 iunie 2005

A good friend of mine told me in a message: "let's do it again"... Interesting thought... even though Romania today is so much different than Romania 15 years order for our kids to live in a better Romania and to be really proud they are Romanians...this is the right attitude.

Let's do this again... let’s always be free, let’s always doubt the system, let’s always believe there is a better way and let’s always be ourselves the change we want around us. Let’s always stay young and enthusiastic and involved!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


After Michael Jackson was found innocent in the US…in Romania,

Miron Cozma was freed this evening, after the Court in Craiova admitted his contestation against his last arrest mandate.

The aresst was made after the former President Ion Iliescu pardoned Cozma as a last controversial gesture as a President (Iliescu is today on trial for his implication in the same events in June 13 -15, 1990 – the same events that put Miron Cozma into jail the first time)

The Court freed the jailed leader of a miners' riot that helped topple the country's first post-communist government in 1991, upholding the controversial pardon given him by the president in December.

Miron Cozma had spent seven years in jail out of an 18-year sentence when then President Ion Iliescu pardoned him just before leaving office. Two days later Iliescu cancelled the pardon because of public outrage at home and abroad.

Cozma appealed against the cancellation of his pardon, seen at the time as a favour by Iliescu, 75, to a political ally.

"The court approved the petitioner's complaint. The court orders the petitioner to be freed immediately," a judge from the court in the southern city of Craiova told the private television station Realitatea TV.

In September 1991, Cozma led thousands of coalminers from the northwestern Jiu Valley to Bucharest, where they invaded parliament, set fire to government buildings and forced Prime Minister Petre Roman to resign.

Iliescu, who ruled Romania for 11 of the 15 years after the fall and execution of Stalinist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, has been accused of masterminding the riots (especially the one in June 1990) to tighten his shaky grip on power. He has repeatedly denied the claims.

Last week prosecutors summoned him to a criminal inquiry into similar violence in June 1990, when 20,000 coalminers came to Bucharest and crushed demonstrations against Iliescu's rule, leaving six people dead and more than 100 wounded.

Iliescu denied allegations that he had summoned the miners, saying they themselves decided to board trains to the capital to rescue the nation from "hooligans" demonstrating against him.
It's quite interesting...we might see Cozma free, putting Iliescu in jail with his testimony about the events in 13-15 June 1990 and Mr Iliescu’s implication in the riots.

But it is so hard to believe that Mr Iliescu will spend his last years in jail…

Time will tell…

Cozma is free now…but he might be prosecuted and condemned for the events in September 1991 also…and getting back to jail…he might become jail-mate with Ion Iliescu…

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Michael Jackson found NOT GUILTY!

Jurors in the Michael Jackson child molestation trial have informed the trial judge they have reached a verdict:
Michael Jackson has been found innocent on all 10 counts in his child molestation trial.

The jury of eight women and four men delivered the verdict in California Superior Court here on their seventh day of deliberations, which began June 3.
The jury was not sequestered and took weekends off.

Shortly after word that a verdict had been reached was made public, television helicopters were hovering over Mr. Jackson's Neverland ranch. Cable news channels broadcast a nearly constant stream of images showing Mr. Jackson's small convoy of sport utility vehicles en route to the courthouse for the reading of the verdict. At the courthouse, crowds gathered outside awaiting his arrival.

Mr. Jackson, wearing tinted aviator glasses, a dark blazer, black tie and white wing-collar shirt, was accompanied by several members of his family, including his father and mother, two brothers and two sisters. He stopped briefly as he walked toward the courthouse lobby to wave to the throngs of fans calling out to him.

The jury in Santa Maria, California, found Jackson innocent on all counts of lewd conduct with a child younger than 14 years old. They also acquitted him on additional counts of serving the boy alcohol with the intent of committing a felony and of conspiring to hold the boy and his family captive.

The jury concluded that prosecutors failed to prove accusations Jackson, 46, molested the boy, a cancer survivor, while he was staying at the singer's Neverland ranch. Jackson's lawyer, Thomas Mesereau Jr. told the jury the boy and his family were motivated by money and that they had lied on prior occasions for financial gain.

The defense partly relied on testimony by talk-show host Jay Leno and actor Chris Tucker, who said they had misgivings about the boy. The men had gotten to know the child in 2000 when he was fighting cancer. Tucker called the boy ``cunning'' and said he at one point warned Jackson to watch out for the boy's mother.

Jackson faced a sentence of as many as eight years in jail for an individual count of molestation and lesser terms for any additional counts.

A California grand jury last year indicted Jackson for molesting the boy who was seen holding hands with Jackson in a February 2003 television documentary ``Living With Michael Jackson.'' The documentary stirred up controversy because in it the singer talks about sharing his bedroom with children.

The boy had said Jackson molested in the months after the documentary had aired.
Former child star Macaulay Culkin also testified for the defense, saying that the singer never behaved improperly toward him and called allegations that Jackson molested children are ``ridiculous,'' according to the Associated Press.

It is the second time Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon Jr. has investigated Jackson for molestation. In 1993, after accusations Jackson molested a different 13-year-old boy, Sneddon didn't file criminal charges because the boy refused to testify. Jackson, who maintained his innocence, settled a civil lawsuit brought by the child.

Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, in 1958. He started his career singing with his four brothers as ``The Jackson 5'' in the 1960s. He starred alongside singer Diana Ross in the 1978 film ``The Wiz,'' an adaptation of ``The Wizard of Oz.''

He went solo in 1979 with ``Off The Wall'' and released the record-breaking ``Thriller'' album in 1982. Thriller sold about 45 million copies worldwide and featured songs such as ``Beat It'' and ``Billie Jean.'' The album generated seven Top 10 singles and earned eight Grammy awards.

The case is People of the State of California v. Michael Joe Jackson, 1133603.

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