Thursday, December 16, 2004

Dear Traian, - open leter for Traian Basescu

This is an open letter for Traian Basescu, the elected President of Romania. A letter signed by his electors and supporters. You and me…

It is in Romanian because he is the President of Romania and he is the President we expect to make us proud to be Romanians.

If you do not understand Romanian, please send me an email or write a comment and I promise to send you the translation.

Basically, in this letter we are assuring Traian that we support our President.
We support him and his D.A. Government and if the Parliament won’t accept it we are ready to vote again.

And with our votes we'll give him and the D.A. Alliance a comfortable majority in order to form the Romanian Government.

If you are a D.A. supporter, if you voted for Traian or if you would vote for him if you would have the chance…please copy this letter and send it to all your friends and family.
Read it, and if you agree, if you feel like it, forward this letter…

And don’t forget to send a copy to the President.

Let Traian know he is not alone!!
Here is his email address:

Traian Basescu


and send him our letter.

Together we are stronger!

Here is the text in Romanian:


Draga Traiane,

Sunt eu, alegatorul tau. Duminica, am mers cu prietenii la vot. Mi-am luat mama de mina si i-am spus: hai la vot, ca nu mai pot.

Duminica si luni am fost in strada de bucurie ca mai erau 5 milioane care nu i-au mai suportat. A fost tare fain, iti spun: ai cei mai faini alegatori.

De duminica incoace, noi astia 5 milioane ne uitam la televizor si vedem cum Marko Bella, Dan Voiculescu si Viorel Hrebenciuc iti fac guvernul. Baietii astia seamana cu Verdet, care facea guverne prin CC in 21 decembrie. Si noi stam cu totii prostiti si nu stim daca sa ii luam in serios sau nu.

Traiane, nu ii lua in serios. Astia sint in stare sa fure si votul de duminca. Nu ai de ce sa stai la mina lor. Du-te in parlament si zi- le: oameni buni, asta e guvernul meu si asta e programul lui. Ai grija sa spui ceva acolo de clasa mijlocie, pentru PUR, si fii generos cu minoritatile, pentru UDMR. Pentru PSD nu spune nimic, dar fii rau cu coruptia. Din cite am inteles eu, politica se face pe programe, asa ca nu ar avea de ce sa nu fie de acord.

Traiane, daca tot nu vor, lasa-i in plata Domnului si vino inapoi la mine. Fa anticipate, esti presedintele ales si e dreptul tau prin Constitutie. Iti promit ca imi chem prietenii, imi iau mama de mina si le zic: hai sa il ajutam! Si iti dam parlamentul tau asa cum ti-am dat si echipa ta in consiliul Capitalei. Si vom fi mai multi decit in 28 noiembrie, vor veni si cei care traiau cu frica, si cei care nu credeau ca e posibil.

Dupa asta, nu mai vreau nimic de la tine. Sa guvernezi cum stii tu, apoi ne vedem la viitoarele alegeri cind iti voi arata daca ai meritat sau nu.

Sa dai legi clare si impozite mici. Sa lasi in pace presa si justitia, chiar daca nu iti convine ce zic si ce fac. Si las-o mai moale cu Rosia Montana. Sa nu ma jignesti cu ajutoare sociale, lemne de foc, corn si lapte. Spaga e tot hotie, chiar si aia electorala. In rest, am eu grija sa traiesc bine. Sa traiesti si tu!

Eu, Alegatorul tau.


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A 'cute' special VIRUS... ;-)

"Hi, I am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country I am not able to do anything with your computer. Please be so kind to delete one of your files and pretend to be scared, and then forward me to other users..."

I thought he's so cute (a nice, polite VIRUS after all) and he (or is it a ‘she’ ?!) needs my or our help...

Maybe you can help him/she...or maybe he/she'll give you a smile...

Anyway it will worth the posting...

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

HARVARD Knowledge for FREE!?!...the way to Googlezon...

Google announced a new project ! Google Print

As thay say:
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since a lot of the world's information isn't yet online, we're helping to get it there.

Remember the 2014 EPIC scenario? ;-)

And the Google Print project is not all! Google has more surprises:

On November 18th 2004 Google also launched its BETA version of GOOGLE SCHOLAR – an academic literature search engine…

Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.
You can use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
More about it HERE

And the best is still to come!!!
Did you know this (I found it on @rgumente):

Some time ago, Google has embarked on an ambitious, at that time secret, effort known as Project Ocean, according to a person involved with the operation. With the cooperation of Stanford University(the alma mater of the Google's founders), the company now plans to digitize the entire collection of the vast Stanford Library published before 1923, which is no longer limited by copyright restrictions. The project could add millions of digitized books that would be available exclusively via Google.

It seems now the project became larger with Harvard, University of Michigan, Oxford and New York public Library databases being added. The implications are huge since virtually everyone will have "access to some of the most important knowledge sources on the planet for free" -- or, better said, at Google's cost.
The question is: 'What's in it for Google?' --of course more content indexed and whats really important, some exclusive content.
And the revenues coming from the contextual ads must well worth the effort...

Google rulz!

I found about the Project Ocean from @rgumente. - Dragos Novac's blog. Thanks Dragos.
You must visit @rgumente since it is one of the best blogs I’ve seen!

Thanks for the tips about Google Print and Google scholar, Deb! You shoud check Deb's site also.

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... recommended by Cristian C Francu

What do you want to do with your life?!

I found on @rgumente a very interesting site. As Dragos said, a special experiment that reminds me of Connex's "tu faci viitorul" campaign.

Here at 43 things you can also see how many people share your goal or/and dream.

This could be an important personal development agenda for you.

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Come clean...

If you need to make some confessions…just click HERE!

If you have some secret that you want to share with others without consequences…click here

If you have something on your heart…and you want to ‘come clean’…try this site

It may be useful…or just fun…

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...recommended by Cristian C. Francu


A must view presentation…
In the 2014 we’ll live in the BEST or the WORST of Times?

Very interesting indeed…

About Internet, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, BLOGGER and BLOGS, News and Google news...Gmail and more still to come online tools and companies (Google Grid?!, Google Zon!?…etc) in the the Media History...

And about the born of EPIC - Evolving Personalized Information Construct?!

Is this the future of the hard copy media!?? New York Times will go off-line? New York Times will go off-line? The hard copy, paper newspapers will become some print only newsletter for the Elite?

This is really a very interesting presentation. A must view and food for our thoughts!

The history of Internet and news, viewed with the eyes of a 2014 analyst...
In the 2014 we’ll live in the BEST or the WORST of Times?

And 2014, is closer than we think… ;-)

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... Recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Monday, December 13, 2004

Happy Birthday VIP!

Happy Birthday VIP!

Today, on the 13th of December 2004, VIP – Volunteers for Ideas & Projects , has 6 years of activity.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

Sky is the limit ...let's just PERFORM our MAGIC!

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Basescu's Romania - the winning mentality!

It’s official; it’s 100% sure, counted and centralized:

Traian Basescu is the PRESIDENT of Romania!

Adrian Nastase and Ion Iliescu admitted his victory! Our votes counted, indeed! We did it!
Once again we have been more powerful than the system... Together! Because Together we are STRONGER!

Born in 1951, a respected and loved Sea Captain on the “Biruinta” oil carrier (The Admiral Ship of the Romanian Commercial Fleet), The Minister of Transportation (91-92 and 96-00), Mayor of Bucharest since 2000, PD President since 2001, Traian Basescu is our new PRESIDENT! - “Asa, D.A. Presedinte!”

Beyond his inevitable mistakes, beyond his qualities, I see Traian Basescu today as a WINNER!

I hope that he, with our help, will transform Romania in a country of winners!

In order to prove his innocence in “The Fleet” Scandal and to stop the accusations, Traian resigned from his position as Minister of Transport. He is the only one Romanian dignitary who surrendered his office after 1989 and surrendered his imunity !!

That says a lot about our new President…

It’s the time for Justice and Truth!

It’s a new day…it’s a new dawn…

Good-Bye Mr. Iliescu!

Good-Bye Mr. Nastase!

The way Traian won the Presidential elections today resembles the way he won his first mandate as Mayor of Bucharest. He started the electoral race with almost 20% behind his main opponent. He obtained a spectacular victory. With our help!

And with our help he has the chance to transform Romania!

I hope you won’t disappoint us Mr President!


Here you can find a BBC interview with our President – Mr. Traian Basescu.

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

BA SE SCUtura trandafirii!

Adrian Nastase admited his defeat in a live TV interview. “The results show that Traian Basescu is the new President of Romania/ "Rezultatele arată că Traian Băsescu este noul preşedinte al României", the Prime Minister affirmed.

As the Presidential counselor Ms. Corina Cretu told the press, Ion Iliescu called this morning Mr Basescu and congratulated him for his victory.

Ion Iliescu, the actual President invited the future President, Mr Traian Basescu, to join him on December 17th at the European Counsel reunion in Bruxelles. There will be settled the exact date when Romania will join the European Union.

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

A future D.A. Government!

PUR reaffirmed its “political and doctrinal independence” as a “behavioral constant” of the Party… in their first official statement after the runoff. The word INDEPENDENCE could be important and I am sure that Basescu knows why… ;-)

The Executive President of UDMR, Mr. Takacs Csaba, affirmed today for Mediafax that UDMR is “OPEN for any alternative that can bring political stability in Romania”

With Basescu as our new President, the word OPEN and political stability can be very important. And "any alternative" includes, I can bet, a DA + UDMR Government... ;-)

Should we expect a D.A (PNL-PD) + UDMR + PUR + minorities Majority Government or a D.A. Minority Government endorsed and accepted by some or all the UDMR , PUR and maybe even PRM parliamentarians ?
Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

Asa D.A. Presedinte! (Sea Captain, Mayor, PRESIDENT of Romania!)

Traian Basescu obtained 51,23% of the ballots while Nastase has 48,77%, after the official count and centralization of 98,76% of the results.

The final results of the second presidential round will be announced today, around 15.00-16.00 hours, stated BEC spokesman, Victor Paşca-Cameniţă.

Stay tuned on PerformYourMagic blog and you'll be one of the first romanians who will know for sure that we have a NEW PRESIDENT!

As we say, in Romanian: "Asa, D.A. Presedinte"

Nothing can change now - Here is the Official news from Mediafax (in Romanian):

BUCUREŞTI, 13 dec (MEDIAFAX) - Candidatul Alianţei D.A. PNL-PD Traian Băsescu a cîştigat alegerile prezidenţiale, cu 51,23% din voturi, faţă de 48,77% exprimate în favoarea candidatului Uniunii PSD+PUR Adrian Năstase, potrivit rezultatelor parţiale centralizate de BEC din 98,76% din secţiile de votare.

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

Traian Basescu WON!

The D.A. Alliance candidate for Presidency, Traian Băsescu won the Sunday Presidential runoff.
Monday, a few minutes ago, Biroul Electoral Central (The Electoral Central Bureau), counted and centralized the results in 92,15% of the voting bureaus in Romania.

Traian Basescu obtained 51,75% of the Romanian votes while Adrian Nastase obtained 48,25%.

YES! It seems that 'the Black Sea defeated the “Primaverii” district…'!

The Sea Wolf defeated the Primaverii Lawyer...

The Man defeated the 'Political Robot'...

The ‘straight-talking’ Basescu defeated the "elegant" Nastase...

The elected Mayor of Bucharest defeated the appointed Prime Minister Nastase...

The LEADER defeated the Ruler...

Traian defeated Adrian...

It is really the time for Justice and Truth...

I sure hope that The D.A. Alliance and Traian will not dissapoint us!

God Bless Romania!

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...recommended by Cristian C. Francu!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The best of Basescu vs Nastase - LIVE DEBATE clips

As Mircea Dinescu says: “If Traian Basescu wins today, it will be the very first time when the Black Sea would defeat the “Primaverii” district…” ;-)

God Bless Romania!

Very interesting: HERE you can find and download very fast selections from the LIVE TV Debate (on TVR 1) between Traian Basescu and Adrian Nastase.
Try 'right click' and 'save target as'...

A must download and watch is - the “Sincerity Moment" I’ve told you about a few posts ago…”

Please download the selections and judge for yourself: who disserves to become President? Who do you want to vote? And please…go and vote the one you think would be the best President of Romania!

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Voting outside Romania

Almoust 31.000 Romanians abroad voted on 28 November
Here you have some figures:

9703 Romanians voted outside the country with Adrian Nastase

while 21 157 Romanians form abroad voted with Traian Basescu

If you want the document where you can see in details how the Romanians living abroad voted for the main two candidates in the first round, please email me.

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E nevoie de votul tau!

Your vote IS important!

And if you want it, I have the document with the TRANSCRIPT of the last and only TV live debate between Basescu and Nasatse! The one on TVR 1, wednesday night!

If you want it just email me and I'll send you the transcript. Or leave a comment with your email in it...

And please, VOTE !

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