The Year 1981
Prince Charles is getting married. Liverpool is the European Champion. Unfortunately, The Pope dies.
The Year 2005
Prince Charles is getting married. Liverpool wins the UEFA Champions League. Unfortunately, the Pope dies.
In the future
If Prince Charles is getting married again, the Liverpool fans will celebrate…but God Bless the Pope…
Strange coincidences… ?!?!
Prince Charles, Liverpool and the Pope... yeah...right! ;-) Whatever...
Bu is it historically correct? Is it really 'the truth'?
The Pope
Maybe you want to know... that Pope John Paul the Second was chosen Pope in 1978...So...the facts...are not so weird anyway...
Although he had established himself as a formidable intellectual presence -- as well as an able administrator and fund-raiser -- few suspected that the Sacred College of Cardinals would choose Wojtyla as the next pope after the death of John Paul I in September of 1978. But when the cardinals were unable to agree on a candidate after seven rounds of balloting, Wojtyla (John Paul II) was chosen on the eighth round late in the afternoon of October 16, 1978.
Yes, it is true: In 1981, Liverpool won the European Cup against Real Madrid => 1981: Liverpool 1 - 0 Real Madrid.
And, 1978 (the year that Pope John Paul I died) Liverpool won the European Champions League => 1978: Liverpool 1 - 0 Brugge.
Prince Charles
So, the final question: when did Charles and Diana married?
Crowds of 600,000 people filled the streets of London to catch a glimpse of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer on their wedding day in 1981!!!
SO.... it's 2 out of 3...
The Pope Died in 1978 (John Paul I) and in 2005 (John Paul II) exactly two of the years when Liverpool won the European Champions League...
Prince Charles married in 1981 and 2005 exactly two of the years when Liverpool won the European Champions League...
But if the Liverpool victory, Prince Charles' wedding and the Pope's death happened in the same year in 2005, in 1981 when Charles married Diana, Liverpool won the Cup but fortunately the Pope John Paul II was alive and well. Although in 1978, when the Pope John Paul I died, Liverpool did won the European Cup. (But Charles was still single and un-married)
So…as a conclusion: you must question everything…you must research, you must understand and you must be sure when you belive and say something...
You must not assume…because you'll risk to make an Ass of U & Me…
Progress is made by the People who don’t take things for granted and who question or/and doubt anything…or everything…
Successful people… the ones who question and verify what others see as true by default…the ones who don’t take things for granted and who are willing to discover if there can be another way…because they know there is always a way...
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