Friday, December 10, 2004

Happy Birthday Liviu Dumitrascu!

Happy Birthday Liviu Dumitrascu!

Today is the birthday of one of the most influential Romanian young entrepreneurs, a very good friend, a fantastic ‘daddy’, a great Romanian and sometimes a model for me and many of us.

I wish him to never stop believing in his dreams and in himself!
Liviu is the first person that impersonated the ‘Sky is the limit!’ thinking in my first years of study at the university. He is one of the founders and former Presidents of VIP – Volunteers for Ideas & Projects. Without him and his vision my destiny wouldn’t have been the same.

He is now managing partner in one of the fastest growing internet businesses in Romania. Maybe you heard of, and still many more surprises to come….

Liviu, you were one of the few people that influenced my youth and my personal development, and you’ll always have a special place in my memories, my heart, my network and my world!
Happy Birthday!

May all your wishes and objectives come true and may you find the power and energy to always find other dreams to follow, reaching for the sky and glory!

I think I know why Angelina Jolie is still lonely and I think I know why you’re still here in Romania with us. ;-)

Dear Yvonne and dear Rebecca, all the love and all the best in this world for your husband and your father.
God Bless You all!

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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Basescu vs Nastase on TV (after hours...)

The Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase and the Bucharest mayor Traian Basescu clashed in a live television debate on Wednesday evening in a last effort to woo voters ahead of the Sunday's presidential runoff. In their single direct confrontation, the ‘elegant’ Nastase and the ‘straight-talking’ Basescu trumpeted their competing messages across Romania, on state television.

In my personal subjective view, Basescu was ‘streets ahead’, formulating clear opinions in short phrases and actually dealing with difficult issues and questions.

The debate showed us, in my opinion, a clear difference between a man - Traian and a ‘political robot’ – Nastase.

One of the most interesting moments was the ‘sincerity moment’ started by Traian:

Domnule Nastase, noi doi avem o problema, pe cuvintul meu, sa discutam sincer, sintem amindoi fosti comunisti. Poporul roman merita alti candidati“.
« Mr. Nastase, the two of us have a problem, you have my word, let’s talk honestly, we, the both of us, are former communists. The Romanian people deserved other presidential candidates«

Traian Basescu confided that he ‘sometimes watches himself in the mirror’ asking himself if he disserve to become the President of Romania…

In this emotional climax of the debate, the two presidential candidates became Traian and Adrian – and, as you probably know, in Romanian there is a difference between ‘tu’ (Adriene) si ‘dumneavoastra’ (Domnule Nastase)…

Tu ma convingi in fiecare zi ca noi, romanii, nu am scapat de mentalitatile comuniste
»You, prove me(demonstrate) every day, that some Romanians, didn’t get rid of the communist mentalities » Basescu said.

A little surprised, Nastase replied:
Tu nu ai invatat ca trebuie sa respecti niste reguli“.
« You didn’t learn that we must obey some rules«

Speaking about the election’s fraud imputation made public by Basescu and the authorities’ reaction after it, Traian reproach Mr Nastase that he and the government he leads and represents rushed to deny the opposition accusations instead of checking if there are some real problems there:
Nu ai invatat inca, Adriene, ca aceste institutii trebuie sa functioneze singure, sa le lasi sa functioneze singure […] nu sa-l trimiti pe Mitrea si pe altii sa spuna din start ca nu exista nici o frauda… !”

« You still haven’t learned, Adrian, that those institutions have to work independently, you do not have to get involved and you have to let them work alone […] not to send Mitrea and others to deny all and to decide from the beginning that there was no fraud…«

In their final speech, Nastase started with the somehow formal: “Dear compatriots/Dragi compatrioti” formula while Basescu staerted directly and warmer with the “Good people/Oameni buni” formula.

I feel that for the intelligent and open minded ‘eye’ Traian Basescu won some important point last night.

Unfortunately, the debate may not have reached as many rural voters as it should because it began at 10:00 PM (2000 GMT), which is late for the Romanian farmers and peasants.

Maybe the undecided voters now can have an opinion and a reason to vote.
Traian's confidence - In the Romanian language:
“Domnu’ Nãstase, noi avem amîndoi o mare problemã. Pe cuvîntul meu de onoare... O discutãm cinstit, asa. (...) Eu nu stiu de ce îmi vine, dar poate cã într-o cursã electoralã e bine sã spui si asa ceva. Discutam cu colegii la începutul campaniei: Ce blestem o fi pe poporul ãsta de a ajuns pînã la urmã sã aleagã între doi fosti comunisti? Între Adrian Nãstase si Bãsescu. În 15 ani n-a apãrut unul, sã vinã din lumea asta, sã nu fi fost tarat de nãravurile comunismului, sã nu fi fost afectat de nimic. Ce blestem o fi? Si, pe cuvîntul meu, îmi pãrea rãu. Pe urmã, mã tot uitam, asa, uneori în oglindã, mã uitam la mine: Mã, tu ai respect pentru poporul român, Bãsescule? Mã întrebam... Zic: Am. Tu ti-ai bãtut joc de poporul român? N-am avut senzatia cã am fãcut-o vreodatã. (...) Poate cã era momentul ca în fata românilor sã vinã alt tip de candidat decît noi doi”. Adrian Nãstase si-a revenit cu greu din “pumnii” lansati de Bãsescu, încercînd sã spunã si el cîte ceva. Numai cã Bãsescu nu s-a lãsat: “Drama este cã n-avem voie sã rãmînem cu mentalitatea aia si dupã 15 ani de cînd nu mai e comunism în România. Iar tu mã convingi în fiecare zi cã nu esti capabil sã întelegi cã institutiile astea trebuie sã functioneze singure”.

Let’s vote this Sunday!
God Bless Romania!

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

there will NOT be a meeting this Friday!

This FRIDAY, at 17:00 hours, there will NOT be a meeting in the Revolution Square or any other location. At least there will not be a meeting organized by the D.A Alliance.

It seems that they planned some kind of event for this Friday – the last day of the Electoral Campaign - but they have chosen something else instead of a Bucharest big meeting. Something related with ‘the vote mobilization’ and young teams all over the country...

More than that, I think, Basescu wants to meet his supporters as the new President…

Since I promoted the meeting idea I feel obliged to announce you all that THERE will not be a meeting this Friday!

That won’t stop us to vote Sunday and…to meet our friends and wait for the exit-polls and maybe then to gather in the Revolution Square…

Here you can find the official response from the D.A. Alliance PR Office:
"Cu parere de rau va anunt ca vineri NU va avea loc un miting organizat de Alianta D.A. PNL - PD. Va rog, daca vreti sa ne ajutati, sa trimite-ti tuturor cunoscutilor aceasta informatie.
Departamentul de Comunicare al Aliantei D.A. PNL - PD"
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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

This Friday at 17:00...

After a quiet and obedient electoral campaign, after still no real face to face debate between the two mane candidates (it seems it will be one debate only tomorrow evening on TVR at 22:00 hours when many of the electors form the Romanian villages are already asleep…), in the last evening of the electoral campaign this country is not going to watch a live debate between the main two contenders. Instead they will have 'the opportunity' to watch Mr. Iliescu's monologue telling the country how they should vote.

I bet that Mr Iliescu will again put aside his PSD Senator shoes and speak as a president. He always does thisso easily...ain’t he?! ;-)

As somebody I know pointed very clear: ‘Such a situation has no real precedent in the country since 1989 and does nothing but to show what happens when you no longer care about obeying the rules but only about making new ones (while the game is played of course).

I think we should not stay indignated in our homes and be quiet and disapointed about it.

We 'accepted' the Constitution breach of Mr Iliescu – still the President of Romania but deeply involved in the PSD electoral campaign… We lived enough to see ‘the voting tourism’ and at least the incompetence and malpractice if not the bad faith of some elections' officials... but I feel that we should not let them get away with this.

Since his acces to some TV Station is bloked, it seems that Traian Basescu choosed a more direct way to communicate with his electors. This Friday at 17:00 hours, in the Revolutiei Square, Basescu will meet his suporters from Bucharest!

I called their PR office to confirm the action and a nice lady told me that something is prepareing but she can not give me more details today.

I am convinced that we haven't the slightest chance to become a modern and powerful nation as long as those who rule us will behave like thieves, desperate to fill their pockets with votes and/or money.

We, the Romanians have to decide who are those who deserve to rule us. And not the masters of the voting boxes, of the opinion polls, the chosen political analysts, the TV station managers or the 'voting toursits'!

Don’t choose to stay indignantly inside your homes.

We’ll see each other in the Revolutiei Square this Friday?
And maybe…Sunday evening also!

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people...reccommended by Cristian C. Francu

They can not steal and rob as much as we can VOTE!

Romania, December 2004
...15 years after December 1989

We lived enough to see ‘the voting tourism’ and at least the incompetence and malpractice if not the bad faith of some elections' officials...

Don’t choose to stay indignantly inside your homes.

Let’s go and VOTE!

You and your family and friends, go and vote this Sunday!
Make the right choice for justice and truth! The right choice for yourself and for Romania!

Let’s be the CHANGE we want around us!

This Sunday we’ll show them we are stronger, smarter and twice as many as them.

Because… They can not steal and rob as much as we can VOTE against them!

This Sunday is our 'Tour de Force'. Come on now!
Get your friends and family to vote this Sunday. Call, email and talk to your friends and relatives, especialy those from the Romanian villages. Talk them into Voting!

I used to blame our parents and grandparents for accepting the communism.
I urge and instigate you to get involved. To Vote and make your opinion heard...

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people......recommended by Cristian C. Francu

Monday, December 06, 2004

Books with only 1 Euro!!

At the HUMANITAS bookstore on 45, Calea Victoriei, also known as the HUMANITAS KRETULESCU ( in the “Sala Palatului” area, near the ‘Muzica’ store) you can buy these days interesting books with only 1 euro!

It sure worth a try!

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools and articles for Successful people... recommended by Cristian C. Francu

The VIP TBC was great! Great as the VIP people are and as it always is...
Details, stories, legends, testimonials and pictures still to come!

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