Friday, February 17, 2006

4 to the floor (I've been tagged)

Ladies and gentlemen, dear PYM blog readers, I HAVE BEEN TAGGED!

So...I must answer and continue…

4 to the floor…

As Mihai said, the tradition is that my answer must be also in Romanian…since I’ve been tagged in Romanian…

So...there goes nothing:

E prea greu sa alegi numai 4 filme, numai 4 carti... asa ca permiteti-mi macar sa nu fi facut un clasament ci doar o selectie (sunt 4 alegeri nu un TOP 4, ok?)

4 filme:
'The Matrix' (1, 2 si 3), 'A love song for Bobby Long' (a mai vazut cineva filmul asta?!...) , '12 Angry Man' 'Shrek'
(Prea grea alegere - ma si mir cum de n-am ales nici un film cu Deniro sau Pacino… cred ca 'Once Upon a Time in America' sau 'The Godfather' ar trebui sa-si gaseasca loc pe-aci…)

4 seriale:
The Twilight Zone, Friends, Southpark, Seinfeld

4 carti:
“The Chicken Soup for the Soul"/"Supa de pui pentru suflet” (colectia). –
Da, reunosc ;-), folosesc povestirile stranse de Mark Victor Hansen si Jack Canfield in trainingurile si speechurile mele dar le si imi folosesc si in viata personala nu de putine ori…

"Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge" de Warren Bennis,

"Unlimited Power"/"Putere nemarginita" de Anthony Robbins si

"The Emotional Intelligence"/"Inteligenta emotionala" de Daniel Goleman, Richard Bandler si/sau John Grinder n-au prins nic Asimov sau Arthur C. Clark

4 mancaruri:
Ciorba de Burta, Sarmalele, Salata a la Pif si...a...Cartofi Prajiti cu friptura (na c-am zis-o;-))

4 locuri in care as vrea sa fiu acum: Pe o plaja exotica, in Vila mea, pe scena in fata unui public entuziasmat, in Tibet ascultand pildele unui calugar intelept.

4 locuri in vacanta: Vama Veche, Bran, Mamaia, Leptokaria-Grecia.

4 pagini web zilnice:,,, diverse bloguri.

4 joburi: Advertising Manager, HR Manager, Project Manager, Managing Partner.

4 locuri in care am locuit: Floreasca, Aviatiei, Berceni si... Focsani (la bunici in copilaria prescolara).

4 pe care-i tag-uiesc: DEB, PICSELUTZ, Blogdy, Cornel.

si daca Mihai a mai adaugat una:

4 bauturi: Green Apple, Kaipiroshka, Long Island, si niciodata nu refuz un Vin bun

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools, news, links and articles for Successful people...Recommended by Cristian C. Francu

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SECRET MESSAGE! Can u read it?

Here we have a special message for the human race…

NASA has received it from space…and it seems that only a few chosen ones could read it…

Are you among us…the chosen ones who can decipher this message?

The human race depends on us… So…we must not fail! ;-)

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools, news, links and articles for Successful people...Recommended by Cristian C. Francu
** If you find the time to click on some ‘ads by Google’ on this webpage, I will be most grateful **

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