Monday, October 03, 2005

Waiting for the Next Summer!

That was …STUFSTOCK 2005…in VAMA VECHE!

That was the 'VAMA VECHE PICTURES II' on the PYM blog…

Here we are….standing at La STUF, waiting for the next summer…

No rain, no snow will chase us away…

Our secret? Our passion for freedom, for friendship, for good music, for all the 9 “S”s of Vama Veche:

The Sea, The Sun, The Sand, The Sky, The Safe Sex, The muSic, The perfect Sunrise & The irremediable Sunset...

Other secrets? In the glass I don’t have only orange juice… ;-)

Remember the Tequila SHOTS and the SONI’s tin kettle

Remember the hot girls?

As Confucius said:
"I'll tell you and you’ll forget
I'll show you and you’ll believe me
I'll involve you (take you with me in Vama Veche) and only then you'll understand!"

Special thanks for these pictures to Bogdy! You’re the man! … with the camera! ;-)

And special thoughts and thanks to all my special friends…

I’d try to make a list here but: 1) I am afraid I might forget somebody and 2) I don’t want somebody to judge and interpret in any way the order of the names on the list…

So…guys, you know I love you! ;-)

Here on PerformYourMagic blog you can find ..Pictures from Vama Veche...Personal & Business Development Training, Team Building, Coaching, Consulting Services, free powerful tools, news, links and articles for Successful people... Recommended by Cristian C. Francu


Blogger Cristian C. Francu said...

Draga micule Hacker terorist, sau Draga Bogdy?!;-) ... sau sa fie cumva amprenta lu' Bogdanel este mai serioasa..;-) comentariile astea sunt o forma noua de PUBLICITATE tip SPAM... e vorba de reclama la linkuri catre siteuri...;-) Motoarele de cautare...gasesc linkurile astea pe siteuri si considera asta ajuta siteul la care se face referire sa castige locuri in paginile de cautare pentru anumite cuvinte cheie...

In rest...din aprilie pana azi am avut circa 15.000 de afisari si cel putin 3000 de unici pe blog...ceea ce nu e chiar rau...;-)

Ne vedem!

3:29 PM  
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3:33 PM  
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12:27 PM  

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