Monday, October 03, 2005

Entrepreneurship in Vama Veche…

Entrepreneurship in Vama Veche…

Here you can see one of the few private initiatives I’ve seen in Vama Veche during and after Stufstock…

Creative minds will do… ‘anything’ for a beer or some beer money… ;-)

This guys here, asked Bogdy 5.000 ROL in order to let him take their picture…and he paid.

They have a business proposal for the ladies…and they assure us or their virtual clients that they do have the approval and acceptance from the Health Ministry…


For the non Romanian readers…those brave guys advertise the fact that they will perform …! PARENTAL ADVISORY! “oral sex (pussy lickin’)” ! PARENTAL ADVISORY! For a beer!

I am sure they didn’t have any (paying) client for their services...but I know that they earned their beers accepting money for pictures from guys like me and Bogdy…;-)


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