Friday, August 26, 2005

'Mars Spectacular' on August 27?

'Mars Spectacular' on August 27?
According to a forwarded email circulating for the past few months, the planet Mars is due for an unprecedented close encounter with Earth on Saturday, August 27, when a wobble in its orbit brings the two planets closer together than they have been for thousands of years.
"No one alive today will ever see this again," claims the email — which is a head-scratcher, considering that precisely the same thing supposedly happened two years ago.
Turns out, the message is a recycled flier from 2003. Even so, it's not entirely false. Earth and Mars will pass very close to one another again in October (not August) 2005, astronomers say, at which time their orbits will be a mere 43 million miles apart (slightly more than the 35 million miles separating them in 2003). It won't quite equal the once-in-a-lifetime show of two years ago, but the encounter will be "breathtaking" nonetheless, scientists predict, with the red planet outshining every object in the night sky save Venus and the Moon. More from Space Guide Nick Greene...

Interesting fact:

If Mars would be seen 'as big as the Moon'…the Red Planet should be at a distance form Earth around 484.000 miles – twice the distance from Earth to the Moon. This would be truly a spectacular an unprecedented event because the Gravity force or Mars would unleash on Earth ocean tides that would destroy everything in their path.

Thank God the email or Instant Message pretending that on August 27 Mars would be seen “as the Earth’s second moon” is a fake…

But…from a diffrent point of view, if you want to get out of the house, during the night or during the day…on the sea-side or in the mountains, in the park or on your balcony…just do so…

You will be able to spot Mars on the sky…and if you have somebody loved near you…it could be a truly romantic moment…

Take care!

Make love with passion and with the Red Planet closer… Did you know that some say 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus?' ;-) ;-)

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