Monday, December 13, 2004

Asa D.A. Presedinte! (Sea Captain, Mayor, PRESIDENT of Romania!)

Traian Basescu obtained 51,23% of the ballots while Nastase has 48,77%, after the official count and centralization of 98,76% of the results.

The final results of the second presidential round will be announced today, around 15.00-16.00 hours, stated BEC spokesman, Victor Paşca-Cameniţă.

Stay tuned on PerformYourMagic blog and you'll be one of the first romanians who will know for sure that we have a NEW PRESIDENT!

As we say, in Romanian: "Asa, D.A. Presedinte"

Nothing can change now - Here is the Official news from Mediafax (in Romanian):

BUCUREŞTI, 13 dec (MEDIAFAX) - Candidatul Alianţei D.A. PNL-PD Traian Băsescu a cîştigat alegerile prezidenţiale, cu 51,23% din voturi, faţă de 48,77% exprimate în favoarea candidatului Uniunii PSD+PUR Adrian Năstase, potrivit rezultatelor parţiale centralizate de BEC din 98,76% din secţiile de votare.

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